Marks in The making

2022 - Work in progress

Beyond the material and physical aspect, understanding of home lies in the intersection of socially accepted, romanticized notions as a safe, comforting and nurturing shelter with the diverse subjective experiences that can entail alienation, anxiety and stress. Alison Blunt and Robyn Dowling (2006) develop a concept of home through critical geography to draw out the relation between the place of home with, scale, identity and power that exists within the space (pp. 2-3). This theoretical concept encompasses a broad and multifaceted perspective, where the architecture of a place intersects with emotional, experiential, and socio-cultural significance. "Marks in the Making" is an ongoing project that delves into the notion of home through critical geography, aiming to reveal the intricate layers associated with the cross-cultural experience and understanding of home.

I am grateful for the support of  BC Arts Council and the Province of British Columbia for the making of this project through Project Assistant Grant 2022

- Blunt, A., & Dowling, R. (2006). "Home." New York, NY: Routledge.  
- Murrani, S. (2020). "Contingency and plasticity: The dialectical re-construction of the concept of home in forced displacement." Culture and Psychology. 26(2). pp. 173-186. 


room of her own (2019)